Videoconferencing Demystified

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 639785337058, 9780071400855

This text aims to provide everything necessary to successfully deploy video-conferencing in a meeting, training or conference environment. Key features include: benefits versus liabilities of video conferences; purchasing / renting / using key components and equipment; and key technologies - streaming media, web conferencing, IP multicasting and LAN capacity. The author demonstrates how to successfully adopt video-conferencing for any business application. Starting with a look at what video-conferencing is actually good for - and where it falls short - he explains baseline technologies, equipment issues, network compliance issues, standard and regulation effects, and quality of service. The accompanying CD-ROM provides sample video streams of different products, technologies and sampling rates demonstrating the differences between web, private, IP (Internet Protocol), dedicated line and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) video services. This book and CD-ROM should be of interest to: technology and network managers; IT personnel; technicians; and managers.