I Love Me, Vol. I: S. Wordrow"s Palidrome Encyclopedia

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781565121096

S. Wordrow"s Palindrome Encyclopedia revealed and interpreted by Michael Donner. "Packs a record-breaking 35,000 cross-referenced palindromes into a tongue-in-cheek reference book that is a must-have for crossword puzzlers, word lovers, or anyone who loves the absurd."--Houston Tribune; "Silliness is the unabashed point in these 400-plus pages."--Sun-Times (Chicago); "This is surely the most thorough survey of words that come and go the same way."--William Safire, The New York Times Magazine; "Har-har! Rah-Rah!"--The Orlando Sentinel. A QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOK CLUB selection.