Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Institute of Architects Volume 41

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781154382921

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1907 Excerpt: ... Mr. Carrel: It hardly seems to me, or to the members of our Chapter, that this should be a voluntary contribution. That a body of this sort should exist on voluntary contributions is not in accordance with our idea of American practices. Mr. Carrere: We can overcome this difficulty by passing Mr. Eames"s resolution, after which I shall move that it is the sense of this Convention that each Chapter should consider that the assessment is obligatory. Mr. Hunt: I withdraw my motion. Mr. Rapp: The word "shall" should be eliminated from the resolution, as the Institute has no power to assess the Chapters. Mr. Eames"s resolution was then adopted. Mr. Carrere: I now move that it is the sense of this Convention that that contribution be considered obligatory on each Chapter. The motion prevailed. Mr. Eames: The Committee on the report of the Board of Directors presents the following resolution: Resolved, That it is the sense of the Convention that the Executive Committee be directed to prepare a positive expression for the Institute favorable to the proposed location of the Grant Monument as another step toward the continuing of the plan of the Park Commissioners for the Improvement of Washington. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Eames: The Committee on the report of the Board of Directors recommends that the resolution contained in the Board"s report relative to the claim of Smithmeyer and Pelz be adopted. The resolution was adopted. The President: We will now hear the report of the Committee on the Reports of Special Committees, H to M which in the absence of the chairman, Mr. A. B. Pond, will be presented by Mr. Atterbury. Mr. Grosvenor Atterbury: Reporting for Mr. Pond"s Committee, I beg to say that we have spent nearly twenty-four hours in the consideration of t...