The Celtic Tree Calendar: Your Tree Sign and You

Price 13.61 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780285634633

Brand Souvenir Pr

Among the rich legacies of the Celtic civilization is the tree calendar, an ancient form of horoscope. The ancient Celts revered and respected trees, seeing them as living beings symbolic of the cycle of life, death, and renewal. Each tree ruled over specific groups of days during the year, and people born during those days possess the characteristics of their guardian tree. Twenty-two trees—including the oak, chestnut, poplar, lime, and yew—make up the calendar. Readers will discover which tree influences and governs their lives and how its personality affects them. Illustrated with charming drawings of the trees, and with endpapers showing the full circular calendar, this book also includes information about the ancient Celts—their history, how they viewed the world and the passing seasons, and their wise men, the druids.