A Letter to the Church: How Passion, Obedience, and Perseverance Can Ignite the Power to Overcome
Jack Hayford’s highest priority today is to help the helpers, strengthen the leaders and nurture the shepherds of the Body of Christ, both pastors and laymen. A Letter to the Church speaks to this large circle of leaders and workers who care for the people of God and desire to advance His kingdom. Written with love and concern, urgency and care, this fresh-from-his-heart book both affirms and confronts. It recognizes the unique pressures felt by leaders and workers today, and calls for an overcoming church. In a prophetically passionate tone, Hayford communicates what the Spirit is saying to the Church today. He calls for leaders and workers to be remolded as clay in the Master’s hand, reassessing their life patterns with a determination to make them durable and fruitful. He calls all followers of Christ to what he describes as “deep calling unto deep.” This prophetic heart-cry begins with “The King’s Manifesto,” in which Hayford unfolds Jesus’ call for us to be passionate, not passive. Hayford then writes about “The Creator’s Foundations,” which reveals how the law actually leads to grace. In a section called “The Crucible of Suffering,” Hayford affirms Paul’s words to the Corinthians, a reminder of true breakthrough comes with a price-tag, which often means persecution, pain or suffering. This all leads to “The Flame Keeper’s Warnings,” in which Hayford reminds us all that triumph will come, but only on Christ’s terms, not our own. When we allow ourselves to be consumed by the Holy Spirit, we then overcome hinderances, have the deepest impact and eventuate God’s highest Praise and Christ’s greatest glory. A Letter to the Church is a much-needed manifesto for today.