Building the Clinchfield

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781570720284

Following one of the most scenic routes in the country, the Clinchfield Railroad penetrates the most rugged mountain barriers in the eastern United States. Much has been written about the Clinchfield, but this volume by a retired Chief Engineer of the railroad fills a unique niche. He places a special emphasis on what was built, when it was built, and who did the building, including a brief biography of George L. Carter, the driving force that put it all together. More than 3000 laborers (mostly Italians, Ger-mans, and Russians recruited in northern cities-many just off the boat in New York) were employed at one time to move the earth and rock. Built to con-struction standards unheard of at the time, the Clinch-field did not find it necessary to enlarge tunnels and strengthen bridges through the years, as other rail-roads have had to do. The dream became reality on February 9, 1915, when George Carter drove in the last spike. Filled with photographs, maps, schedules. copies of letters, diagrams and other documents, this is a valu-able source of information for researchers and rail enthusiasts.