El anticuario (Spanish Edition) (Bestseller)
Price 13.46 - 16.24 USD
Enrique Alonso, escritor, recibe una carta de su padre adoptivo, Artur Aiguader, uno de los mas conocidos anticuarios de Barcelona, en la que este le relata el hallazgo de un antiguo manuscrito redactado en latin y catalan antiguo que parece ponerle sobre la pista de una joya de un pasado remoto. Por desgracia, Artur no vera cumplido su sueno de encontrarla, pues sera asesinado. Enrique se trasladara a Barcelona con el objetivo de encontrar la explicacion a los misterios del manuscrito, resolver el asesinato y tratar de localizar esa joya por la que aparentemente murio su padre. / Enrique Alonso, writer, receives a letter from his adoptive father, Artur Aiguader, one of the most famous antique dealers in Barcelona, in which he recounts the discovery of an ancient manuscript written in Latin and ancient Catalan that seems to put him on the track of a jewel of a remote past. Unfortunately, Artur will not see his dream fulfilled to find it, he will be killed. Henry moved to Barcelona in order to find the explanation to the mysteries of the manuscript, to solve the murder and try to find this gem for which his father apparently died.