Baja-Prepping VW Sedans & Dune Buggies

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780912656014

Brand HP Books

Every dune-buggy and VW-sedan owner who intends to go off road needs this handbook to learn how to get ready to spend more time driving and less time walking or fixing. Full coverage of the things you need to know has been obtained by consulting with top off-road racers and mechanics. Their experiences have helped in preparing this guide which takes the guesswork out of getting ready to go where there are no roads - or where there are roads in name only. The photos and descriptions show and tell you precisely what others have done to make their cars successful in the off-road environment. You can do the same things to your car. This book is not a substitute for VW Service Manuals which must be consulted when working on your VW sedan or VW-based buggy.