The Jewish Princess: Feasts and Festivals: With Family and Friends

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781844006427

The Jewish Princesses are back, with a refreshing look at Jewish festivals,celebrations and feasts and the central role they play in the life of a Jewish Princess. Taking a typically upbeat look at the Jewish calendar, this book brings festival foods into the 21st century with a bang. The book is divided into three sections: Jewish Festivals throughout the Year - provides delicious delights for each of the major Jewish holidays; Celebrations - provides culinary inspiration for the major events of the Bris, the Barmitzvah and the Wedding; and Feasts - gives menus and recipes for dinner parties.Written with wit and wisdom, this book adds a modern twist to traditional Jewish dishes. Some nouveau recipes will be new to the reader but once tasted they will become classic dishes for years to come. "The Jewish Princess" invites everyone to the table to discover the delicious recipes, while the easy-to navigate structure of the book enables readers to dip in and out to find the perfect dish for every occasion.