In Their Defense: U. S. Soldiers in the Vietnam War

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780932729026

Brand Sphinx Pub

The Vietnam War represents the most divisive and complex war in America"s history. The single most important thing about the Vietnam War is to understand it. Writing from the perspective of a Vietnamese nationalist who witnessed the complete unfolding of the drama of Vietnam, author Dr. Pham Kim Vinh confutes the prevailing mythology which has led many Americans to view the U.S. participation in Vietnam as a mistake and the sacrifice of American lives as a grave error. Dr. Vinh has attempted to set the record straight regarding the heroism and sacrifice of American soldiers who were branded "baby killers" by a propagandized home front. The author examines the decisive role of the media in the creation of many destructive myths . . . some still affecting Vietnam veterans today. Dr Vinh analyzes the reasons behind the Vietnam War and defines the lessons taught by Vietnam through the eyes of a refugee from communism. IN THEIR DEFENSE was written as a tribute from the Vietnamese people to the U.S. soldiers who fought bravely trying to help them save their homeland. It is a book about shared feelings and human bonds between the Vietnamese people and the Vietnam veterans It is our hope that this book will serve as a memorial statement from the Vietnamese people expressing the depths of their heartfelt appreciation, gratitude and respect for the supreme sacrifices made in their behalf by the Vietnam veterans. For the Vietnam veterans, this book may offer relief in knowing their feelings are shared. For those who stayed home, it is even more important. IN THEIR DEFENSE helps all readers understand the resentment of the veterans who were called to serve their country in a terrible ordeal . . . and then went unthanked for their noble sacrifices. The text represents Dr. Vinh"s attempt to synthesize into human language the emotions and tribulation experienced by Vietnam veterans both during - and especially after returning home from - Vietnam. A powerful, sometimes passionate volume, IN THEIR DEFENSE will give heart to American veterans and perspective to readers seeking the truth of America"s longest war. This book presents a view of the Vietnam War and the men and women who fought it that the reader will not find anywhere else. It is a must read for any serious student of the events in Southeast Asia and their subsequent effects. IN THEIR DEFENSE attempts to portray into mere words the depth of one Vietnamese refugee"s gut feelings about "What Happened" in Vietnam . . . and to say to the G.I."s who fought and died to help his people remain free from communism : "We know. We understand. Cam On."