Delivering Your Message with PowerPoint
Highly Effective Communications for Government & Corporate Managers Five Step Process – Hints – Tips - Checklists How many times have you left a room after watching a lengthy PowerPoint presentation wondering what the point of it all was? PowerPoint presentations, however, can be an enormously effecting communications tool provided you follow some basic rules. These rules are spelled out in "Delivering Your Message with PowerPoint" written by Dave Paradi, a proven expert and sought after speaker at all levels of government and corporations. Using a simple to follow, five-step process, the book talks you through creating the right sequence and structure for your presentation, how to plan slides and how best to deliver them. "By following the practices that professional presenters use, you will deliver a compelling message that will inspire audiences to action," says Dave Paradi. The first step in making your presentation effective is to be clear on what you are trying to achieve. Defining the goal of your presentation is like setting the destination of a journey. If you don"t know where you are going, it"s likely you won"t get there. Never give a "canned" presentation, one that is the same, no matter to what audience you deliver it. Each audience is different. As the presenter, you need to know where this audience is now, if you are going to move them to the goal that you set for this presentation. The book is crammed with examples-good and bad-best practices and checklists to ensure you stick to the presentation roadmap. If you have to give PowerPoint presentations this book is a must read on how to improve your skills and get results. If you know people who give poor or boring presentations, share this review with them and suggest they buy a copy too! For more details, visit