American Cancer Society"s Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780944235249

The American Cancer Society"s Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods was written to help the public, the consumer, and patients, and their families understand what works, what"s dangerous, and how best to evaluate the hundreds of claims that can be found on the Internet and in the popular press. Each entry is researched and based on scientific evidence. Possible problems or complications are identified and clearly highlighted for easy reference.-- Hundreds of entries covering a broad range, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, diet, manual healing, and biological methods written in clear, understandable language-- Thorough review and evaluation of each method by experts in the field-- Current trends, safety and regulatory issues, insurance coverage, and ACS guidelines for using complementary and alternative methods-- Encyclopedic-type format to facilitate readability and quick reference-- Comprehensive resource guide