Exploring Reiki
Price 13.79 - 17.08 USD
Exploring Reiki introduces this increasingly popular form of hands-on healing by answering the 108 most often-asked questions relating to its practice in common-sense, reader-friendly language. It covers all the practical issues a complete beginner would want to know about while still providing an in-depth and all-round presentation. As a result, Exploring Reiki is as helpful to the curious browser who wishes to get first hand information from an experienced practitioner as it is to the experienced initiate with questions about a particular aspect of this subtle art of healing. Paula Laxmi Horan is the author of Empowerment through Reiki, Abundance through Reiki and The Ultimate Reiki Touch, all of which have sold steadily for more than fifteen years. She has been practicing and teaching Reiki worldwide since the mid-80s. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology and has studied and taught massage therapy at the Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing in San Diego, California. She resides in Goa, India, where she is the founding director of Seven Palms Spa Consulting Pvt. Ltd. "Paula writes with such a joyful creativeness and love for Reiki that it is easy to follow her in the application of Reiki into many forms of healing and life situations." -Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Conscious Eating, and Depression-Free for Life,