Bibliography Of State Participation In The Civil War, 1861-1866
Price 118.27 USD
Reprint. Hardbound. Cloth. Oversized octavo. 3rd ed. x, 1140 p. Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1913. The first edition of this catalogue was published in 1897, the second edition in 1899 and the supplement to the second edition in 1904. This is the third edition. The general arrangement is alphabetical by States wit the following threefold division in each state: 1. Official publications, such as reports of adjutants general, governer’s messages, States registers, etc. 2. Regimental histories in alphabetical and numerical sequence. 3. Miscellaneous, such as State, County and town histories, and all material bearing upon the local participation not embraced in the preceding divisions. In all, 25,000 titles are listed, making this one of the most extensive bibliographies on the subject listed in Besterman [3940]