Dogs in the Street

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780330434928

Imagine the one you loved most has been killed by a fanatic"s bomb explosion. Imagine that the politicians" promises of justice turn to ashes, that the police investigation stalls. That the bombers still walk free - and they will strike again. Then hopes for justice turn to dark visions of revenge - especially as the names of these terrorists are known to all - known even to the dogs in the streets. The relatives of the slain prepare to take the law into their own hands. For they carry their own guilt. Maddy because, unwittingly, she sent her two small children and her husband out to meet their deaths. Rob because he had brought the crippled boy who had saved his life home to Britain, only for him to be killed. Maddy and Rob - and the others - owe debt to the dead. Now they will be avenged. "Davies is now firmly established among the premier league of writers delivering fast, well-crafted thrillers...should be in everyone"s beach bag this summer" - "Daily Mirror"