Tell Me "Bout the Good Old Days

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592170838

This 48-page gift book features the nostalgic writing of Ken Tate, editor of Good Old Days and Good Old Days Specials magazines, Good Old Days books and the author of the Looking Back e-letter. The book also features over two dozen of the best-loved covers of the magazines by artist John Slobodnik. "Grandpa, tell me "Bout the Good Old Days!" Tate takes his grandson - and the reader - back to the magical age of his youth. Those were days when the pace of life was slower and a whole lot less complicated. Slobodnik"s paintings and Tate"s reminiscences reflect on a time when the year was measured with the passage of the seasons, not the passage of nanoseconds as it is today. This book will be loved by anyone who lived in those days, or anyone who sometimes wishes they had.