Asset-Based Lending : A Practical Guide to Secured Financing
Highlighted by crucial coverage of the scope and impact of the Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the new Fifth Edition of Asset-Based Lending provides you with today"s most lucid and authoritative information on the lending techniques, principal documents, potential risks, and risk-management strategies at the heart of secured financing. Expanded coverage in the Fifth Edition includes new chapters on: - Overview of Revised Article 9 - Revised Article 9 Transition Rules - and Intellectual Property Financing. Crucial to helping you implement the right techniques at the right time, Asset-Based Lending shows you how Revised Article 9 is making transaction terms and procedures more user-friendly and helps pave your way to more problem-free transactions. Even more, Asset-Based Lending will help you understand: - the features, uses, advantages, drawbacks, mechanics, and risks of every lending technique - master drafting issues specific to chattel paper, letters of credit, and commitment letters - ensure you avoid such common pitfalls as fraudulent conveyances, competing liens, bankruptcy, lender liability, and snafus associated with closings - exploit protective devices such as covenants, participations, and subordinations - while bringing you a wealth of time-saving documents, checklists, and charts to expedite sound drafting.