Complete Herbal (Wordsworth Reference)

Price 8.27 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781840223453

The study of botany is a delightful one. The exercise in collecting plants invigorates the health, and the examination of them, and the discrimination of their kinds, improves the intellectual qualities. Botany also is extensively applied to useful purposes. From the vegetable kingdom man derives a large share of his sustenance, and from the same source he derives agents for the cure of his complaints. There have always been medical men who have gained a knowledge of botany. No medical man should consider this education complete without a knowledge of botany. Illustrated. Partial Contents: Each herb from Amara Dulces to Yarrow are listed with brief description and use. Directions for gathering leaves, roots, barks, seeds, etc.; Table showing the temperament of all the herbs; Diseases cured by herbs; The herbs and the planets that govern them.