Corporate Information with SAP®-EIS: Building a Data Warehouse and a MIS-Application with inSight (Efficient Business Computing) (German Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783528056742

The book is a real life-oriented, professional guide to developing a Management Information System (MIS). The book is professional in the sense that it adresses an MIS that encompasses all the hierarchical decisions-making levels within a corporation, and it emphasizes reliable, understandable and transparent information. The most important demand of an MIS is an easy-to-use-system interface, which needs to be coupled with an information infrastructure that takes marked conditions and the company´s particular business invironment into account. The use of a modular and flexible system architecture is designed to maximize the system´s benefits to cost ratio. In addition to SAP-EIS, the book details how to use the inSight program (from the Duesseldorf-based company arcplan) to optimize system performance.