Journey Home To... : A Message of Hope and Healing for Mankind

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781929769247

Journey Home To... ia a powerful book carrying a message of hope and healing for mankind. At a time when the search for a deeper meaning to life confronts many people in society, this book offers a blueprint for the merging of the love for the Divine with the intimacy of a sexual relationship. The uniqueness of this title is its willingness to take the message of love and light offered by spirit, into the everyday reality of life. The wisdom presented around sex and relationships, healing past trauma, forgiving ex lovers, dealing with the separation of children from their parents, and the fear of daring to pursue a new life and a new love, will reach into the soul of anyone contemplating the meaning of their existence. Journey Home To... is written around a tumultuous period of the author"s life, when he is wrenched from the "perfect" high paid corporate executive position and taken on a journey into the essential truth of our existence. But it is far from another personal transformation story. The author"s life simply acts as a vehicle through which the messages of how to live a life of love are grounded in reality, bringing the experience alive for the reader. In the words spoken by the spirit of St Francis of Assisi, to the author "The world has evolved and needs to see expressions of God"s love manifest in the form of relationships. You do not have to be celibate like we were - that is neither necessary, nor appropriate - but you must hold the presence of God within your relationship." Journey Home To... reveals the way to bring forth the higher purpose of intimate relationships into the world, in a new form of union. In the process it addresses critical issues of sexuality and marriage. But before we can live this new form of relationship we must learn to love ourselves. Journey Home To... includes illuminating teachings from the spirit world on how to achieve this self love, including letting go of judgement, releasing the bonds created by failed relationships and healing past hurts. In the process it answers the critical question, "How do I break free from the chains of my fears and live the life I know I should?" The medium for delivering the profound messages are enlightening visions, experienced during meditation and conversations with the spirit world. Indeed half of the text is devoted to conversations which walk the reader through their own "how-to" journey to love and a new form of relationship.