Faith Seeking Understanding: Essays In Honor of H. Jack Forstman
Price 35.64 - 43.67 USD
From inside the dust jacket flap: Christian Faith Seeking Historical Understanding brings together fresh essays by fifteen scholars related to the task of faith seeking understanding. as suc, these essays celebrating the remarkable career of H. Jack Forstman, just retired from the Divinity School of Vanderbilt University where he served as the Charles G. Finney Professor of Theology, as chair of the Graduate Department of Religion, and as Dean. Part one addresses major figures, themes, and issues which since the Enlightenment have played a role in efforts to understand the nature and meaning of the Christian Faith, with regard for the historical character of that faith and every understanding of it. Part two focuses on the heritage of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as a case study of the process by which a body of believers have sought to discern the meaning of the church"s Christian Faith amid the opportunities and pressures of ever-changing historical circumstances. Arising (circa 1800) from a modern quest for reformation of Reformation Protestantism, this heritage illustrates varied (and often unforeseen) consequences of commitment to the principle of "the church, reformed but always reforming."