Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 5, Issue 8: Updated Nutrition Practices (Home Health Aide on-the-Go in-Service Lessons, Volume 5)

Price 30.51 - 35.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781601465269

This lesson on Updated Nutrition Practices includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there s no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Have a solid knowledge of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrition guidelines Be able to list special nutrition considerations for elderly patients, and Understand the importance of patients receiving information about good nutrition and exercise. OVERVIEW Diet and physical activity are two of the most effective ways to manage disease and ensure good health as people age. The USDA and United States Department of Health and Human Services have jointly developed Dietary Guidelines. All federal and state governmental agencies use these guidelines when developing nutrition programs. Nutrition educators, nutritionists, and health care providers also use these guidelines when providing care. Unfortunately, many people, especially the elderly, aren t aware of basic dietary recommendations and requirements. Sometimes, even if they are aware, they don t follow the guidelines for any number of reasons. That is where the aide plays an important role. Home health aides can encourage patients to improve their health by practicing good nutrition and getting adequate physical activity. This in-service outlines the USDA 2005 Dietary Guidelines and the MyPyramid plan, and offers techniques for supporting patient dietary compliance.