My Experiments with Truth: An Autobiography
Price 22.18 USD
Gandhi is the greatest Indian since Buddha. His great contribution was the theory and practice of non-violence... usage of moral weapons to achieve practical results. - John Gunther Gandhi was a key to revolutions of our time. Of all the revolutionaries who have dominated this century s stage- Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Mao Gandhi alone offered hope for reform without destruction. It seems no less important to understand his history than to study the course of fascism and communism. - Chester Bowles Gandhi had come through time and the circumstances of his of repeated ideologies to be regarded as the very symbol and hypotheses of peace... In the evolution of civilization if it is to survive- all men cannot fail eventually to adopt his belief that the process of mass application of force to resolve contentious issues is fundamentally not only wrong but contains within itself the germs of self destruction. He was one of those prophets who lived for ahead of his times. - Gen. Mac Arthur Generations to come will scarce believe that such a man as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon the earth. - Einstein I have met Lenin, Churchill, Franklin, D.Rosevelt, Wilkie, Stalin, Litvinov, Attlee, Einstein, Lloyd George, Eleanor Roosevelt, and many other famous people. I have never met a more remarkable person than Gandhi. Gandhi was a strong individual, and his strength lay in the richness of his personality... He was a remarkable phenomenon, quiet and insidiously overwhelming. Intellectual contact with him was a delight because he opened his mind and allowed one to see how the machine worked... He enriched politics with ethics... Having nothing, he could pay for his principles... His greatness lay in doing what everybody could but doesn t . Louis Fishcer