Mosby"s Nursing Skills Quick Cards - Pageburst E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1e
This is a Pageburst digital textbook; Based on the trusted Potter & Perry textbooks, these unique cards are a must for student nurses in the skills lab or in their first clinicals. The essential elements of 75 key nursing skills are presented in a clear and concise format that"s perfect for a quick, last minute review before actually performing the skills or before exams. Concise, consistent format for each skill features an overview, supplies list, Nurse Alerts, and streamlined step-by-step actions.Addresses the 75 skills that students are likely to be most anxious about performing for the first time.Gloving logo visually reminds students when clean gloves are needed.Nurse Alerts highlight important information for patient safety and effective skill performance.Quick Reference for Standard Protocol card summarizes essential steps required before, during, and after every nursing skill.Overview of CDC Hand Hygiene Guidelines reminds students of the how and when to perform hand hygiene at all levels of client interaction.Full-color design and over 100 vibrant illustrations bring concepts to life.Sturdy, slick cards are durable enough to stand up to repeated use, plus the convenient storage box keeps cards safe when not in use.A handy vinyl sleeve protects two cards for easy reference in the clinical setting.Pre-punched holes in cards make storage on a ring quick and easy.