BUNDLE: Edles, Sociological Theory in the Classical Era 2e + Kivisto, Illuminating Social Life

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781412981897

We offer Sociological Theory in the Classical Era, Second Edition + Kivisto, Illuminating Social Life, Fourth Edition bundled together at a significant discount. Please contact your Sales Representative for more information. Sociological Theory in the Classical Era, Second Edition This affordable text/reader hybrid both introduces students to original major writings from sociology"s key classical theorists as well as from a variety of other voices, and also provides a helpful theoretical and historical framework, written by Edles and Appelrouth, with which to understand those often intimidating readings. Besides its unique text/reader format, this book is one of the only theory texts to feature photos and diagrams, making it even more student friendly. Illuminating Social Life, Fourth Edition This book attempts to bridge the gap between social theory and the substantive courses contained in the sociology curriculum. It helps students appreciate the relevance and the significance of social theory-and bridge it to their daily lives.