Ep Exam Review Book

Price 152.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780983140887

This book will prepare you for the electrophysiology examinations (RCES and CEPS) for nurses and technicians working in EP labs, where pacemakers and defibrillators are implanted, and cardiac arrhythmias are cured/ablated. Contains: Over 1000 registry level exam questions Each with answers, explanations and references. Hundreds of graphics and electrograms for visual learners. Bsed on the latest CCI and IBHRE exam updates. Chapters include: 1. Basic EP 2. EP equipment 3. EP anatomy, Physiology and Pathology 4. Radiology 5. Vascular access and asepsis 6. EP procedures 7. ECG and lead mapping 8. Arrhythmias 9. EP Medications 10. Diagnosis 11. Therapy 12. Devices