Canadian Periodical Index
Price 949.35 USD
Produced by a team of professional librarians, this timely and comprehensive reference is the standard bilingual resource to more than 400 English- and French-language journals, including more than 30 American titles dealing with North American and international issues. It provides both Canadian and worldwide coverage of mainstream and academic periodicals, as well as 80 business journals. Provide your patrons with these comprehensive reference tools designed especially for their research needs. Give them quick access to updated Canadian and international periodicals in a single, time-saving resource that features: The periodicals and references on every Canadian librarian"s wish list A wealth of information on Canadian companies, history, culture and more Print and online formats Great date range: 1947 to present Indexing of 415 Canadian periodicals (English and French) Annual bound cumulative print edition The Index is published monthly with a yearly cumulative update.