Retail Wheeling: A Guide for End-Users

Price 33.69 - 90.02 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780878147472

Retail wheeling describes the ability of a retail electricity consumer -- the end-user -- to purchase electricity from the supplier of choice in a competitive market. This definitive book sheds light on what retail wheeling is, what it means to end-users, how it will work, and what you need to know to take advantage of it. The commitment of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to competitive energy markets resulted in open access transmission tariffs (FERC Orders 888 and 889). This expanded second edition details how Orders 888 and 889 will impact end-users. The state-by-state status of retail wheeling initiatives also has been revised and updated. This guide is divided into two sections: (1) a background of the industry and the development of retail wheeling, and (2) the "nuts and bolts" of how to buy electricity in an unbundled, competitive electricity market.