Light From Heaven: God and His Angels are Coming to Talk To Us Once More, Are You Ready to Listen/Hear?

Price 15.26 - 18.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781577331148

Light from Heaven is not like other books. It is not the product of its authors" inspiration. It is quite literally the product of collaboration between heaven and earth. All of it is true. Even if you are unable to ascertain this today, you will certainly change your mind tomorrow, even if "tomorrow" comes centuries from now. Andreas related what was being conveyed to him through thought, and Adriana recorded it on a tape recorder and then typed it into the computer. Dictations for this book went on for about nine months. The book is written like a sermon and divided into chapters based on who is speaking or who began the message. There are messages from God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Apostles and others. God, indeed, still speaks to us. Now, if we have stopped listening, that is quite another matter. Jesus Christ: "Help your brothers who are living in the darkness and need your help. You who are intelligent beings, help them, give them a helping hand. Enlighten them. You will immediately become one of My Apostles as soon as you help a man or woman, or a plant or an animal or a stone. For even picking up a stone and placing it in your own space is much better than throwing it away where it does not belong. Place everything where it belongs. Clean up this planet. Respect the fruits of the labors of others."