Agriculture in WTO Law
Price 226.10 USD
The rules governing trade in agricultural and food products are complex. The Agreement on Agriculture and the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures are sector specific agreements covering market access, domestic support, export subsidies and health and safety standards. The other WTO agreements also apply. This new book on Agriculture in WTO Law examines the application of both the sector specific and the generally applicable WTO agreements to trade in agriculture and food products. The book is a mix of the academic and the practical with an emphasis on accessibility. There are chapters explaining the different agreements or how they apply to specific trade regimes particularly where there are ongoing WTO inconsistencies in national agricultural policies. There is coverage of the latest WTO disputes (cotton and sugar) and the ongoing Doha Development Agenda negotiations including comments on the July Package from 2004. The book has been written by different authors, each with an expert background in the topic covered. Most of the chapters have been revised and updated as of February 2005.