Gossip and the Gospel

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781579217570

The words of a gossip are like choice morsels... (Proverbs 18:8) We all know gossip is a sin, but gossip can also demonstrate that a church preaches the gospel. Every true church that belongs to Jesus will be gossiped about just as Jesus was labeled demonic and talked about. If we want the Holy Spirit to guide us to a church we should worship at, we must tune out the gossip in order to hear the voice of God. This book not only examines the sin of gossip and how it relates to the preaching of the gospel, but shows us how to refute it. From the Choice Morsel recipe, to an examination of bitter roots, this book exposes the sin of gossip and provides the reader with spiritual tools to survive tongues that drip deadly poison. A special dedication page allows you to fill in the name of someone you know who gossips. This will allow you to lovingly give it to them in hopes they will repent, for if we want to be perfect in Christ, we must tame the tongue. This book is a part of the To the Point series with the purpose of providing short, to the point teachings that require an obedience that comes from faith, (Romans 1:5). This book is written by Timothy Williams.