Another Place, Another Time: A U-Boat Officer"s Wartime Album

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781591140139, 9791591140138

This unique book met with universal acclaim when it was published in hardcover in 2004. Now it appears in a handsome paperback revised edition.Werner Hirschmann, former German submarine officer, recounts his childhood in Nazi Germany, his attendance at the German Naval Academy, his service in the U-Boot-Waffe and his experiences as a POW. Among the most interesting episodes are his period on a destroyer that escorted the Bismarck on her last operation; a Mediterranean U-boat patrol; being besieged by the American army at the U-boat base at Lorient; and his last patrol to North America, when his submarine, U-190, sank the Canadian warship HMCS Esquimault.Based on Hirschmann"s wartime diaries as well as historical documents, this book includes many photos from his remarkable album depicting life and