The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (Jim Qwilleran Feline Whodunnit)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780747233251

Pickax"s sedate calm is occasionally disturbed by random acts of vandalism, but nothing more serious than paint daubed on civic property. Until, that is, the cold-blooded murder of young banker Harley Fitch and his new bride Bella, which is altogether more shattering. Qwilleran"s moustache twitches in anticipation of mystery and Koko develops a fascination for all things glutinous. Just what is the attraction of the musty old books under the guardianship of the softly-spoken Edd Smith; of Harley Fitch and his intricately detailed marine models; of Wally the taxidermist? Koko is sure to sniff something out ...