Analyzing Marxism

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780919491151

Topics covered include analytical Marxism, methodology, exploitation, and materialism. Contents: Introduction; What is a Marxist Today?; What is Living and What is Dead in Marxism?; Analytical Marxism and Morality; How to Make No Sense of Marx; Elster, Marx and Methodology; Marxism and Popular Politics: The Microfoundations of Class Conflict; Community, Tradition, and the 6th Thesis on Feuerbach; Methodological Individualism, Psychological Individualism and the Defense of Reason; Second Thoughts on Property Relations and Exploitation; John Roemer"s Economic Philosophy and the Perils of Formalism; On the Exploitation of Cotton, Corn and Labor; An Alternative to "Distributive" Marxism: Further Thoughts on Roemer, Cohen, and Exploitation; Roemer vs. Marx; Should Anyone Be Interested in Exploitation?; Exploitation and Equality: Labour Power as a Non-Commodity; Marxism, Materialism and Historical Progress; Ruling Ideas; Rationality and Alienation; In Defence of Abundance; Afterword.