Awesome African Wildlife

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781931807128

From the savannas, woodlands and deserts of East and southern Africa, the author of this informative and readable book has captured over 50 species of wildlife in a summary verse and short article. A gifted southern African artist has painted a watercolor illustration for each. Most major groups of African wildlife are represented in this marvelous menagerie and loosely organized under seven whimsical sub-titles. In describing each animal’s characteristics, the author focuses on its adaptations for survival, such as the bushbaby’s eyes and the aardwolf’s digestive system. She recounts fascinating behaviors, many based on her own observations, and draws on African folktales for explanations of other behaviors, such as oxpeckers’ preference for giraffes. She also refers to the roles of some of the wildlife symbolized in Egyptian mythology. Awesome African Wildlife is intended for a general readership, including older children. It contains a color satellite map of Africa, a reading list and a table of metric and US measurements. Scientific names are given for further reference. A unique feature is a copy of an 1864 photograph from the London Zoo of a quagga, the zebralike animal that is now extinct.