Gracia Divina en la Zona Cero
Out of the horror of September 11 emerges a starling message of hope. Pastor Jim Cymbala believes that in the face of unspeakable tragedy, God is reaching out to the heart of a grieving city, to the people of a wounded nation, and to a world that fears what the future may hold. "God "s Grace on Ground Zero" assures us that God hates the absurd evil that destroyed thousands of lives and that it is at a time like this that He shows the most mercy. In harvest time, hardened hearts are opened to evangelism and today, not tomorrow, is when we have the opportunity and the responsibility to reveal Jesus through our words and actions. Now is the time to love our families, our friends and those around us. Now is the time to trust the Lord and live for Him like never before. And now, amidst our pain, our fears, and our lack of response to things that don"t make sense, is the time to praise God with all of our hearts.