Interpreting Revelation

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781565638754

"Interpreting Revelation" is a sane, thorough, scholarly, and sensible approach to studying and understanding the book of Revelation. It provides the reader with clear insights into the various methods of interpreting this last book of the Bible.No matter what approach you take to the book of Revelation" futurist or preterist, premillennial or amillennial" you will find enlightenment as you have opportunity to peruse a variety of other approaches to understanding this somewhat mysterious apocalyptic book.The book is divided into the following sections: - The Background of Revelation - The Theme, Structure, and Introduction to Revelation - Vision 1" The Seven Churches of Revelation - Vision 2" The Process of World Judgment - Vision 3" The Climax of Judgment - Vision 4" The Eternal City - The Old Testament Background of Revelation - The Christology of Revelation - The Chronological Approach - The Eschatological Approach - The Terminology and Symbolism of Revelation - The Meaning of Revelation for this Present Age