Broccoli"s Secret

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780757002434

Look at any list of healthful foods and you’ll see it, often at the top of the list. It is touted as a “superfood”--a protector against cancer and a host of other disorders. And yet, as good as the research is that substantiates these claims, too few of us choose to include this vegetable in our daily diets. Mom may have known instinctively that broccoli was a healthy choice, but most of us just pushed that pretty green floret to the side and never gave it another thought. Fortunately, researchers at the famed Johns Hopkins University College of Medicine chose to examine broccoli more carefully, believing that it might contain a secret ingredient responsible for its stellar reputation as a health food. Broccoli’s Secret is the story of what those scientists found. Written by Dr. James LaValle, one of America’s top health experts, this fascinating book uncovers a remarkable yet little-known nutrient that can help you protect your health. Broccoli’s Secret begins by looking at how green vegetables are vital to our well-being, and focuses on broccoli as a star among healthful veggies. You’ll learn about the groundbreaking research performed at Johns Hopkins that uncovered the key to broccoli’s effectiveness--a naturally occurring super antioxidant called sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS). You’ll also learn of this nutrient’s role as a detoxifying agent, a shield against carcinogens, a repairer of cells, an immune system booster, and a heart-healthy stimulator. Finally, you’ll discover how to get the most out of this supercharged nutrient. While there are no magic bullets to safeguard your health, a growing number of supernutrients can optimize your well-being. Broccoli’s Secret presents a powerful new weapon for your disease-protective arsenal.