James Reid and His Catskill Knuckleduster
Notes: Circa 1860s, KNUCKLEDUSTERS are miniature, palm-concealed revolvers without a barrel which also could be used as a weapon in the event of a fist fight. This publication provides a detailed history of the ornate, concealed weapons made by James Reid which found favor with the barroom brawlers and not-so-gentle professional men of his era. Includes more elaborate four finger models with barrels and even a firearm concealed in a walking stick. Publishers Description: Reid"s knuckledusters inspire curiosity in even the most casual of viewers. The fascinating design, bold appearance and pure novelty seem calculated to evoke a reaction -- both for the 19th century shopper and the present-day collector. Although the idea of a barrel-less revolver where the cylinder is elongated so the front of each chamber acts as a barrel is not unique, or even rare, its patented knuckle guard which could be used as "brass knuckles" against an assailant was an appealing invention in its time. In this comprehensive study, author Taylor Bowen penetrates the mystique of these dual purpose icons of self-defense, so aptly nicknamed "My Friend", and presents a detailed history of James Reid, his factory in thepicturesque Catskill Mountains, the pistols which he fabricated there (in all their complex variations) and the inexorable economic forces which eventually brought production to an end. Also included are analyses of the oft" misunderstood non-knuckleduster guns made by Reid -- including those made in New York City -- a history of knuckleduster firearms and a study of Reid"s copyists.