Price 24.44 - 27.59 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781607465768

Brand Fastpencil

This hands-on, experiential, student-based manual is a highly visual step-by-step approach to using Microsoft Visio. It assumes that the student has no experience or background with MS Visio software. The intent is to leave the student with a solid foundational core to use and to build upon. It is a very user-friendly manual and is meant for self-paced learning with little or no input from an instructor. The manual proceeds to take the student through several applied schematic drawings: Stencil, Shapes, Connectors, Drawing Toolbar, Headers, Footers, Page Setup Border Template Landscape, Undo, Copy, Paste, Rectangle, Ellipse, Line Border Template Portrait, Transparency, Line Weight, Send to Back And Much More. Ken McKee has taught math, statistics and computer software, at a technical college in northern Alberta, Canada, for 30 years.