Terrorism: Documents of International and Local Control Volume 82 Issued September 2007
Price 120.21 USD
Volume 82 focuses on domestic security, and the documents of this volume focus specifically on infrastructure security, maritime security, and the homeland"s lavel of preparedness for various threats. Authoritative information on these topics changes often, and this volume will elucidate for readers the many changes that have occurred so far this year. Both the Congressional testimony and the agency reports provided in this volume serve that purpose. Terrorism: Documents of International and Local Control is a hardbound series that provides primary-source documents on the worldwide counter-terrorism effort. Chief among the documents collected are transcripts of Congressional testimony, reports by such federal government bodies as the Congressional Research Service and the Government Accountability Office, and case law covering issues related to terrorism. Most volumes carry a single theme, and inside each volume the documents appear within topic-based categories. The series also includes a subject index and other indexes that guide the user through this complex area of the law.