Battle Born
Performance by David Purdham Four Cassettes, 6 hours Patrick McLanahan is back. The veteran navigator-bombardier and brigadier general in the U.S. Air Force has been sent to a B-1B Lancer unit in Nevada to develop and train a tactical strike unit designed to seek out and destroy enemy missiles. He has his pick of the most aggressive Type A personalities in the flying game, though it may take years to pull this bunch together as a team. Then time runs out. The fragile peace in Asia is shattered when what was supposed to be a joint U.S.-Japan-South Korea mock bombing raid turns lethal. Instead of hewing to the script, South Korea fighter-bombers destroy several North Korean special forces and secret police centers in support of a people"s revolt against the communist regime. To the world"s surprise, the raids are a success. The borders are thrown wide open and ther United Republic of Korea is born. Thus begins a conflict that threatens to embroil Asia. Enter McLanahan"s raw, audacious team. Sent into the fray both to protect United Korea and to stop it from touching off World War III, Patrick"s small but potent bomber force has the world"s newest, most powerful nonnuclear weapon at its disposal-if its aces ever stop fighting each other long enough to start fighting the enemy... Relentlessly paced, filled with the you-are-there feel of supersonic flight, Battle Born delivers the technology, action, and drama that Brown fans savor. It is this marveleous storyteller"s most exciting and satisfying story yet.