No Fear : A Police Officer"s Perspective

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781577361596

In his eighteen years of service as a law enforcement officer, Detective Robert Surgenor has witnessed an alarming rise in defiance and a total lack of fear in Americas youth. In many of todays young people, there is no fear. No fear of consequences. No fear of authority. No fear of God. A generation without conscience. Interviewing hundreds of juvenile offenders and their families, Detective Surgenor discovered that the majority of violent juvenile offenders come from homes where there is no corporal punishment, or spanking. Surgenor advocates the use of corporal punishment, following the wisdom of King Solomon in Proverbs 29:15, The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. The book includes an appendix that lists each of the 50 states" laws regarding child abuse and parental authority.