The Poetry of Elusive Love & Moonbeams

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780930865177

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"A book of poetry and a trilogy of novels in the sweeping romantic tradition of Dr. Zhivago..." "What is wrong with that man? I can"t believe I"m still alone. He loves me; I know he does. He"s always telling me how much he loves, misses, and wants to be with me. How much longer can he go on like this? For that matter, how much longer can he expect me to live like this? September 3, 1997" From Elusive Love & Moonbeams: Donna"s Story - ELUSIVE LOVE ~ Wanting, needing/ more than he"s willing to offer,/ she muddles through each/ day, night;/ hoping, waiting/ praying/ the words she so longs/ to hear will one day be/ spoken./ His dream.../ a shared life/ remaining ever-so bleak,/ -yet-/ ever-present./ Her dream.../ His asking of her to/ share their remaining lives/ tantamount -/ almost realistic./ Shuffling needs, realities,/ they each regroup;/ yearning terribly for his/ freedom -/ desiring a joined life./ Waiting .../ Wanting .../ Requiring .../ what continuously/ seems to elude them both.