Medical Insurance Online (Home) to Accompany Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office (User Guide, Access Code, Textbook, 2003 ICD & CPT 2003 Package), 7e

Price 223.08 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780721602462

This complete self-study course on medical insurance combines content, practice, and self-assessment into one online learning tool that students can follow at their own pace. The online program assumes the role of instructor, guiding individuals through the material and directing them when to read relevant sections from the text, checking their comprehension along the way, and providing feedback and encouragement. The course consists of nine modules, beginning with an office orientation and then focusing on each different type of insurance payer (e.g., Medicaid, managed care, etc.) as the modules progress through the five phases of the lifecycle of an insurance claim. This package contains the Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office, 7th edition textbook, the User Guide and Access Code for the Home Edition of Medical Insurance Online, Saunders 2003 ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 and HCPCS, Level II, and CPT 2003 Standard Edition.Users follow the program and learn at their own pace, working through chapter "lesson lectures" and reading assigned sections of the text as they progress.Interactive exercises, questions, and activities allow users to check their comprehension and learn from immediate feedback.Content is written to provide a "virtual externship" experience, including office personnel, patients with different types of insurance, and an office manager who guides the user through the course.Chapter exams are scored and incorporated in a grade book, which users can view to evaluate their progress.Completion of the program earns the user a printable Coupon of Completion.Hypertext links incorporated into the lesson lectures open pop-up boxes with further explanations and/or definitions of concepts and terms.Links to relevant web sites provide additional resources to enhance learning or stimulate discussion within a cohort group.Interactive claim forms allow users to fill in specific portions of the insurance claim form and receive immediate feedback, simulating real on-the-job tasks.All the paperwork for a patient is available via the banner menu when a user is working on that patient"s claim, including the patient information form, ID card, ledger card, encounter form, and medical chart.