The Internet Demystified: An Introductory Guide to the World Wide Web, Internet, E-mail and Electronic Commerce
Maybe you"ve never clicked your mouse on a hyperlink, and are bewildered by all the media hype. Or perhaps you"ve been surfing the web for a couple of years, but have never ventured further than a couple of dozen "favourite" sites. You may be charged with developing an e-commerce strategy for your company, but don"t know where to start. You may even consider yourself something of an expert, but find yourself confused by certain applications. Whoever you are, "The Internet Demystified" is here to help. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the vast - and often mystifying - world that is the Internet. The first part of the book sets the scene, describing the history and structure of the Internet and the World Wide Web. After showing the beginner everything that is needed to connect to the Internet for the first time, the second part provides a simple, down-to-earth look at the two major components of the net - e-mail and the World Wide Web. The third part describes, for the more seasoned user, some of the ways of getting more from the Internet, including downloading, using chat rooms and newsgroups, shopping over the Internet, e-commerce and building your own website. The final part of the book looks at some burning issues such as security and privacy, pornography and censorship, concluding with a glimpse into the future.