James Ulmer"s Hollywood Hot List: The Complete Guide to Star Ranking
The "little black book" that"s next to every studio executive"s palm pilot-the real scoop on Hollywood"s top 200 stars. Who"s hot? Who"s not? Who can green-light any project that they want? Who"s begging for scraps? For years the film industry"s elite have looked to James Ulmer"s Hollywood Hot List to measure who was really worth a multimillion-dollar payday and who should be pasture-bound. Ulmer"s star power rankings can change a star"s salary-or even whether or not he or she gets a role. An actor"s star power includes: -Bankability: How the actor"s name alone guarantees a sale up front in today"s global marketplace. -Career management: How well has the actor chosen roles to maximize career potential? -Willingness to travel and promote: How cooperative is the actor in promoting projects? -Professionalism: How reliable is the actor to work with, both on and off the set? -Inside Dirt: The truth about what it"s like to work with the top 200 actors worldwide. -Box office bait: Who the actor has worked for and how much the project made. Ulmer"s information is culled from those who work closely with the stars-their agents, co-stars, movie producers, directors, distributors, and personal assistants. The opinions of those in the know and the dollars a star can earn measure the true value of the actors in Hollywood. Find out who owns Tinseltown, who"s just renting, and who"s being evicted.