End of the Millennium and Beyond

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780904693461

Rudolf Steiner declared in 1919: "The forces that have so far guided human progress will be exhausted by the middle of this century". Elsewhere he spoke of "an acute illness of civilization" or "a real blind alley that will end in catastrophe -- the beginning of the Earth"s death".Today it is dear that we live in the midst of a tremendous spiritual battle for the future of civilization. Materialistic thinking and technology are leading toward destruction of the environment and a degeneration in the quality of human life. However, many individuals are working for a new spiritual understanding, and their work enables new forces to unfold. If these healthy forces are taken up in the right way, they can lead toward the respiritualization of mankind and the earth; yet if misused for egotistic ends, they can only lead into the depths of evil. The choice lies with each individual.Richard Seddon has gathered together many of the comments Steiner made regarding the end of the millennium, creating a rich mosaic of his indications on this subject.a