Desert Gods (DMB Files) (Volume 2)

Price 9.92 - 11.63 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781624820564

DESERT GODS (DMB Files Book Two) is for fans of Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files, Harry Dresden books, science fiction, action and adventure, and science fiction adventure... Readers are saying: "a wonderful no-holds barred, white knuckle ride of a book." "full of tense moments and unlikely humor." "a fast, smart and imaginative ride." DESERT GODS (Book Two of the DMB Files)DAVID MARK BROWN and JIM BUCKNER In effort to protect his daughter, Jim Buckner plunges into the heart of the Rub" al Khali. But the closer he gets to silencing the nightmare man of his childhood, the closer he gets to his worst nightmares coming true. Evolving more terrifyingly than he can comprehend, his daughter becomes the only one who can save him. But only if he"ll let her. ALSO AVAILABLE More DMB Files: De Novo Syndrome (#1) Relic Hunters: (a series parallel to the DMB Files) First Relic (#1) All Lost DMB Files, allowing for suspected gaps: Reefer Ranger (#9) Del Rio Con Amor (#14) Fistful of Reefer (#17) The Austin Job (#18) Hell"s Womb (#22) Get Doc Quick (#24) McCutchen"s Bones (#25) Twitch and Die! (#26) Paraplegic Zombie Slayer (#35) Fourth Horseman (#43)