EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780722224472

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Book may have numerous typos, missing text, images, or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1886. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... that she should wish to annex any part of the barren rocks of Northern Scandinavia. In the direction of Germany annexations are neither desirable nor possible. Russia cannot reasonably desire to have a disaffected German population on her western frontier, and if she did conceive such a desire she could not realize it, for Germany is strong enough to defend her own territory. Towards the east and south-east the problem is not so simple. The recent sale of the American possessions may be taken as a conclusive proof that Russia has wisely determined to remain on this side of Dehring"s Straits; and though she may, perhaps, covet certain islands of the Japanese group, there is little chance of her obtaining them. She has, it is true, recently annexed Sagalien (Sakhalin), which is near the Amoor territory, and formerly belonged to Japan; but this acquisition is useful merely as a penal settlement, and any further advance in this direction can easily be stopped, if it should be considered necessary. An arm of the sea, deep enough to float ironclads, paralyzes her expansive power. Encroachments on the Chinese Empire could not so easily be prevented. How and when they will be made must depend to a great extent on the Chinese Government. Russia already possesses near the Chinese frontier far more territory than she can possibly utilize for many years to come, and, therefore, she has no inducement to annex new land in this region, provided the Chinese prevent their subjects from committing depredations. It may happen, however, that China will be unable to fulfil her police-duties towards her neighbours, and in that case it is not at all unlikely that Russia may find annexation less troublesome and less expensive than the maintenance of a strong military cordon. Indeed, at thi...